Types of Liability Coverage in Your Auto Insurance

Every vehicle owner in New Jersey must have auto insurance. It’s required by law but also crucial for protecting yourself. Whenever you drive, you need to have your auto insurance in place and carry proof of it. Being caught without this insurance can mean a lot of costly fines and fees. You can call us at The Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ when you need auto insurance.

Personal Injury Liability 

Your auto insurance policy is required to have this type of coverage. It pays for the many costs associated with being at fault for an accident. When you cause an accident, you are liable for all the medical bills people have after it. This may include hospital bills and any ongoing therapies or treatments. The cost of medical bills is always rising, and paying for them can be a serious financial hardship if you don’t have personal injury liability coverage. Make sure you have enough of it to be able to pay for a serious accident. 

Property Damage Liability 

This is another required type of auto coverage in your policy. It pays for the damage to the other person’s vehicle or property when you cause an accident. A vehicle could damage another vehicle, a building, some landscaping, etc. All of this damage can be extremely expensive to fix, especially if you hit a very expensive vehicle. Make sure you always have this coverage and that you have enough of it to protect yourself. 

Get Your Auto Policy

If you’re buying a vehicle, make sure you have an auto policy for it on the first day you own it. Lenders generally require you to have one. Contact us at The Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ to get your policy.