Why You Need to Think About Disability and Long Term Insurance Now

No one ever plans to become disabled or unable to perform the activities of daily living. However, you can plan ahead to ensure that you have money to pay your bills if you can no longer work. Disability and long-term care insurance help you maintain your living standard. So, talk to the pros at The Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ, about adding these policies to your insurance portfolio.

Long-term vs. Disability Coverage

Long-term and disability insurance are often available in a single policy. However, you may be able to obtain separate coverage, depending on your needs. Note that they cover different events. For example, you may need help with daily activities such as personal care and home maintenance. Long-term care options may include a temporary or permanent stay at a nursing home or other facility. With long-term care and disability insurance, you’ll have help when it comes to obtaining medical devices, transportation, healthcare, and related services.

Disability Insurance

What would you do if illness or injury made it impossible for you to work? Your immediate needs might include money to pay your mortgage, buy groceries, and keep the lights on at home. Disability insurance includes coverage that helps you pay your bills during recovery and rehabilitation.

No matter where you work, a debilitating injury or illness can threaten your livelihood. You may think that this won’t happen to you. However, it happens to unsuspecting employees every day. By obtaining disability insurance coverage, you can rest assured that you can meet your financial obligations in the event of a covered accident or illness.

Long-Term Care Insurance

If you develop a chronic illness or condition, you may need long-term care. As you can imagine, these services don’t come cheaply. As life expectancies increase, long-term care coverage has become more important than ever. Coverage may include personal care at home or in an appropriate facility.

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with comprehensive disability and long-term insurance coverage. Contact an agent at The Insurance Outfit in Chester, NJ, to schedule a meeting or to obtain a free quote today!